The HydroPump is a uniquely designed push pump used to dispense cleaning chemicals into sinks, buckets, or any other cleaning receptacle.
The HydroPump is a uniquely designed push pump used to dispense cleaning chemicals into sinks, buckets, or any other cleaning receptacle.
The MultiDose is a unique hand pump designed to deliver accurate doses of concentrated chemicals into sinks, bottles, buckets, and other containers
The AccuPro line of proportioners delivers dilution accuracy regardless of fluctuations in water pressure. AccuPro pressure regulation technology eliminates dilution variance by controlling the amount of water allowed into the unit, never allowing it to “lean out” the desired dilution target.
The Streamline proportioning range maintains efficient dilution of concentrate chemical whilst ensuring protection of it’s inner manifold with a stainless steel shroud.
The HydroMinder has become the industry standard for liquid level maintenance for over 20 years and proven successful for many applications.
The HydroFoamer and HydroSprayer offer easy automatic dilution with convenient control of where and how solution is applied. On and off functions are at your fingertips, trigger controlled on the spray nozzle.
HydroChem dispensers automatically dilute and dispense concentrated cleaning products in a foaming and/or spraying mode. The HydroChem is available in 2 models, the HydroChem 918 and the HydroChem 919.
FoamMaster power cleaning systems automatically dilute concentrated cleaning products with water, and use compressed air to generate a thick, rich, clinging foam. When it comes to large area cleaning, there’s no more effective and efficient method than foam cleaning. FoamMasters are now available in both one and two product models.
The CP 200 is an ultra reliable heavy-duty single pump dispenser for all Glass/Dishwashers and Laundry Machines to 20Kg. It is ideal for use in restaurants, hospitals, hotels, care homes, schools and many others and it’s available in multiple configurations.
Utilizing the flexible programming capabilities of the AutoDose line of dispensers allows the user to dose drains, cooling towers, boilers, pools, lubrication systems or other areas at the appropriate times.
The MiniDos low-mid-flow, fluid (water) driven proportional injectors offer an ideal alternative to traditional, non-electric pump technology. The injectors are compact and offer the widest range of injection ratios.
The Chemilizer is a proportional liquid chemical injector that injects a precise amount of chemical in proportion to a volume of water. The Chemilizer is an industry-leading chemical injector that utilizes years of proven diaphragm technology. Powered by the existing water supply, the internal motor drives the chemical pump, injecting very precise amounts of chemical.